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Vincent John Doe – the Play

Vincent John Doe is a full length play with music (85 pages, 120 total pages). VJD asks the question, “What if Van Gogh was somehow transported to Manhattan today? As one might predict, people quickly decide he is “crazy” and he is petitioned into a mental institution. That is where much of Vincent John Doe is set. As Vincent navigates the mental health system he encounters therapists and fellow patients who make him, and us, question the “crazy artist” paradigm. VJD forces the question of how our society has come to define mental illness. The play explores the differences between mental illness and the artistic temperament and what to do with those who refuse to conform to behaviors we consider “normal.”


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Vincent John Doe explores the meaning of identity and the role of ego. It challenges our relationship with God and reveals the courage it takes to speak to the world through one’s art. What is our responsibility in determining truth? To what moral imperative is the artist subject? What is his place in the world of commerce and what is the measure of his success?

What would happen if Vincent Van Gogh showed up in New York City today? That’s the pretext for the play “Vincent John Doe,” which just completed a three-day Piccolo Spoleto Festival run at the City Gallery.  “Where is home?” Vincent John Doe is asking. Blurring the boundaries of theater, music and visual art, the play, written by Robert Maniscalco, transforms abstract philosophical ideas into a visual experience that explores artistic temperament and commercialization. Chunzi Shi is a Goldring Arts Journalist at Syracuse University.

My wife and I rank your Vincent John Doe production among the shining lights of all events we have seen in a dozen years of Spoletto and Piccolo events!  The acting space, the live music to accompany live performances, and your ability to create credible art work in the fly were elements that once again reinforce: there is NOTHING to compare to live theater. You are unique in that you have the artist’s hand and with prior experiences the playwright’s ability to pull this off. It was a triumph of imagination and performance.  Loved the creating of art and music live. What fun!  Larry Mayfield

chromosapient waning
Last night was off the chain!!! You nailed it, wow, thank you! My jaw is still on the ground. Just beautiful Rob!!! Enjoying all your reviews…truly heartwarming and dreamy…bringing dreams to life! A most perfect night for Piccolo Spoletto’s Vincent John Doe play Starring Rob Maniscalco as Vincent Van Gogh at the City Gallery. It was a fantastic play!!! Cheers! Therese Marie

behind the scene sunflower

Now, Here’s a HUGE THANK YOU for Considering

Vincent John Doe

Quench, the Book (Discounted Copy for Contributors)

  Point of Art




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That’s right. Just for taking an interest in my new book, Chromo Sapient, I am GIVING you two of my earlier artbooks, Point of Art and Quench absolutely FREE.

Why Give Away My eBooks?


Because I am positive when you read them you will want to dig deeper into drawing, painting and being fully self-expressed.  You can also buy them if you want. But that’s what these earlier books are getting into. Vincent John Doe is all about being in the thick of creation. It’s about how we get into trouble in life because of certain mental and emotional patterns. Vincent John Doe, when seen as a whole, creates a deeper awareness of the creative process. 

So yes, I also want you to buy my latest book, Chromo Sapient, Love Poems about Politics, Religion and Sex, with Artwork. But you don’t have to buy Vincent John Doe to get the other two eBooks, as my FREE GIFT, right now!

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whether or not I get your play, Vincent John Doe

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“People thought I was crazy, when I set out to write a play about Van Gogh, stranded in our time. But I wanted to create a multi discipline art experience with acting, live painting and live music.  Vincent John Doe pushes the bounds of what is possible in theatre. Like Vincent, I’ve always hated being put into a nice neat box. Haven’t you?  I am a creative and am here to be a light, in whatever that form takes. This play captures the essence of who I am, who we are, as creatives. 

I have always found it strange that people love to put other people in a box. Usually it is associated with their own identity or their vocation. Yes, I am a painter. But my creative muse takes me in many directions, all leading to the same destination.  I am a creative, without apology and I‘m always looking for that glimmer of truth.

I love the combination of theatre, art and music, which together, allow us access to the subconscious mind, for a complete sensory experience. The process is ineffable and mysterious and I love where it takes us. 

Autumn Trek

As an actor, and an artist and as a composer, JVD is a tour d’force for me. rm

I’ve never experienced anything like it! Painting and music during the play as part of the action was wonderful! Such talent is very impressive! It was a great interpretation and revival of Van Gogh and his art and philosophy! I admire his art and story as a fan. I loved the performance. Yasemin Tekgurler

Snow Angel
I enjoyed the Whole Performance. Good mix of humor and drama. great idea to have Vincent’s thoughts in voice over, with live music, while painting. Carole Buno

Coy Mermaids
This play incorporates live music, film, and Van Gogh reproductions painted onstage. It’s an incredible story about the nature of art and its place in the world. Kyle Downs

“There is no friend as loyal as a book” Ernest Hemmingway

More reviews… 🔍

Most amazing performance I have ever seen – so creative – watching the actor paint in the performance – the music – the quotes – all wonderful!! Wilson Gautreaux

Seeing Eye Snakes
The interaction in the play is very fresh. I really enjoy the moments of reflection while “Vincent” paints. Wanda Kerr

Freedom's Rise - a dolphin catching a fish
Amazing, the bringing together of us all across time, culture and identity. Harold Whack

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