Subscription to Maniscalco Newsletter & Special Offers

$2.99 / month with a 30-day free trial

Support Robert’s Mission

Here’s your chance to support Robert’s mission for a very low monthly subscription. Think of it like a subscription to a a TV Platform or news service. This small fee, combined with others, who want to support Robert’s arts mission, which is to bring art to everyone, no secret code or special degree required. Each subscriber, combined with others, generates a steady stream of income to allow Robert to create and share content, in the form of blogs, artwork and arts news you can really use.

As a Special Bonus:

This subscription also will unlock Robert's premium content, like instructional videos, which normally come with a small fee. This way, you will save all the extra cost and hastle with an open door, no hassle escort to the front of the line. This is the perfect way to contribute a little something to make the world a little more fun, more filled with creativity. Robert is here to serve you with excellent arts content, whatever your socio economic situation or background.


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