Silly me.  I’m so new to this crowd funding concept that I only just discovered I can send updates to my backers.  So here’s the first update:

For those of you who have supported this Kickstarter campaign, who have responded with even a small contribution, a piece of advice, a referral or a share, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!

I am Very humbled to report we are almost halfway to our goal after only five days.  But we can’t let up.  I’m counting on you to help spread the word and build on the excitement.

So what’s so exciting, you ask?  Well among the many outcomes I have for this project, this has emerged as a big one: it is my hope and prayer, that if this is successful, our efforts will inspire other artists to align their artistry with social causes creating a critical mass, exponentially bringing awareness, enlightenment and ACTION that will FUNdamentally alter the evolutionary trajectory of all humanity.

Yep, we’re part of a movement now and it’s that important!

Here’s is a placard I made up this morning with a recent painting of mine for a background.freedom

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