Online Painting Instruction and Virtual Learning
Robert has created a series of live streaming videos available to rent or purchase. There is lots of free content, as well as paid, on subjects ranging from drawing what you see, releasing your creative genius to painting like Van Gogh. We’re very excited to bring you this series of live video streaming experiences, brought to you by The Live Living Network.
Click Here to View the Free and Paid Content
Because of Covid19, many people are choosing to learn and work remotely. These videos are an excellent source of concrete instruction in drawing and painting. I also offer in person and virtual Private Instruction, Career Coaching and Critiquing Services.

For instance, the episode on creativity is a must view for those wanting to break out of their bubble:
→ How to turn off the critic
→ How to make contact with what I call the un-selfconscious line.
→ How to trick the left brain into getting out of the way.
→ How to use observational methods as a springboard to creativity.
→ How to use the call and response dialogue method to creating
→ How to make and respond to pure marks
→ How to open a creative bank account
→ Learn about the secret weapon called juxtaposition.
I have now produced eight programs so far. They are filled with my years of experience as a professional. There are lots of concrete tools for improving drawing and painting skills. It feels a lot like ARTBEAT, where I could speak directly to a wide audience of fellow art spirits who want to get deeper into their creative potential. I hope you will check them out.