The Next Big ThingFor me to detail every miracle that has come out of The Quench Project would require I write another book.  But I wanted to attempt to list the many ways God has blessed me and others throughout TQP and offer Him thanks and praise for being such a kind and generous Father. Here I have attempted to bullet point just a few of the many miracles God is working through TQP:

  • As I look at the paintings of TQP it seems miraculous how well they depict the fruits of the spirit: “love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”
  • The movie, Out of Darkness, was truly a miracle in the making. The powerful musical soundtrack came from a recording made in the mountains of Jacmel, in the utter blackness of night, during a Pentecostal service. There was no electricity for miles and yet the room was filled with the tremendous power of the Spirit.
  • We exceeded the ambitious funding goal we set on Kickstarter for seed money.
  • Upon my return from Haiti I received an immediate, large scale boost in commission portrait sales. The direct result of the orphans praying for my family and the success of TQP.
  • TQP changed my understanding of beauty, also helping others to see the meaning of beauty in survival, dignity, unity, study, work, devotion to purpose, self-discipline, generosity and sacrifice. TQP is about seeing the simple act of quenching our thirst for pure water as a metaphor for quenching our spiritual desires.
  • Made me more attuned to miracles happening all around me.
  • Made me appreciate that God’s plan for the project is so much bigger than my plans for it. The Holy Spirit has been teaching me how to keep the faith in those times between miracles, accepting the “bad” with the good. Life is an adventure; fear is optional. I have sacrificed commercial pursuits in order to focus on TQP. My experience reminds me of “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.” The answer to prayers and God’s blessings are on His terms and in His time.
  • TQP is teaching me me that God will provide if I rely on Him completely.
  • My struggle and self consciousness around self-promotion is gradually giving way to a much deeper awareness and appreciation for what God is doing in my life. I find I am becoming more audacious in proclaiming the amazing things God is accomplishing in my life and the lives of others.
  • The book I wrote, Quench, is itself a miracle. I truly believe that in many of the pages, God was speaking to me and giving me flashes of insight I would not have had if I hadn’t sought His will in my efforts.
  • Certainly, The Last Supper mural at the Water Mission headquarters in Haiti, was the result of divine intervention. I simply could not have accomplished this without it.
  • The responses to the paintings in the Quench Project have been very moving and in some ways life changing to many.
  • That I even survived the trip to Haiti was a miracle. Quench details the harrowing experience and how God was in control in every moment, giving me peace in the face of fear to walk alongside the Holy Spirit.
  • It was a miracle that I was able to speak to the needs of Haitians during the trip and after. Like many, I have a terrible fear of public speaking. I have risen above my fears guided by the Holy Spirit.
  • It is a miracle that a variety of venues have welcomed TQP into their midst. I am so grateful to those with whom the art resonates, who have been moved enough by the story to want to share it with others.
  • What TQP experience has done in my life is teach me the true value of submitting myself to the will of Christ. The Holy Spirit has used TQP in so many unexpected ways. He has taught me not to trust in my own “goodness,” but His. My singular focus throughout this project has taught my family the value of dedication to purpose against all odds. It has changed my family in profoundly positive ways, to appreciate what we have.
  • We have contributed over $700 to The Bread of Life Orphanage, so far, through the sale of books, art and speaking fees. That may not seem like a lot but it has gone a long way in Haiti, greatly improving the quality of life for the orphans. I pray everyday that TQP will be able to continue to contribute abundantly to the lives of these orphans and the people of Haiti.
  • This mission has brought me into contact with other missions and with some extraordinary people who are fired up about doing God’s work on this Earth. One example out of many is Sarah Hipp’s mission in Rwanda, which has brought Antoinette from Rwanda and into our home so she can safely have her twin babies. Sarah doesn’t wait for God to speak to her. “I do my praying on the road.” So many wonderful people have been drawn into my life by the Holy Spirit, who have been a huge blessing to my family.
  • TQP has provided many opportunities to share my faith with others. My story as a cynical man, bitter and alone in the wilderness, finding purpose as a child of God, has inspired many.
  • I plan on adding to this list as more miracles, great and small, come my way. Thanks be to God.

I invite you to please add in the comments, examples of miracles you have experienced as a result of TQP or those you feel I may have overlooked in my life.

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