
“Truth” by Robert Maniscalco, available by clicking the image.

I hope you’ll pardon this tasteless, though possibly clever, pun as the title to this blog.

I’ve created a lot of still lives over the years but I’ve always had an odd relationship to the genre. I believe if I am going to ask someone to stare at a painting of mine it must say something about the subject that is unique. I don’t know about you but I can’t get excited about another bouquet of flowers or a bowl of fruit. I believe there is a dynamic relationship between every object that goes into a compelling still life.

“Truth,” featured above, was my memorial painting to the victims of 911. Notice the American flag refracted in the glass half empty or half full. My response to that tragedy was immediately one of our finding a balanced response to the horrific destruction. Many at the time, and even still, believe we should have carpet bombed the middle east, in one reflexive show of American resolve. Many of us believed peace and understanding was the order of the day. An eye for an eye has never worked at ending the cycle of violence in the world. But neither has pure pacifism. Clearly, our country continues to struggle to find the balance, the most effective response to terrorism. This painting calls attention to the question without offering a specific solution.

I  have made a point to create still lives that matter.  I enjoy creating custom still lives, consisting of meaningful objects selected to represent a person or event. It doesn’t have to be monumental, a wedding, a new baby, a graduation. It’s a chance to collaborate.

I also have a selection of originals, as well as giclees and APs available for purchase at which I invite you to take a look.

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