As you know, I create portraits for every occasion. Wedding are a beautiful time in our lives and there is no better way to remember that awesome experience than with an oil portrait. Find out about my wedding portraits and the many ways we can devise to express the depth of love and commitment that comes with marriage. The possibilities are limitless, of course. I always start with the vision. What about the event is most salient? What moment captures what you want to say about the event?


Step 1, initial lay in

step 2, refinement

Here is a recent project, created as a surprise gift by Jason for his bride, Ewe, on their fifth anniversary. We discussed the possibilities and arrived at the quintessential photo he wanted me to use, which he believed captured the moment most memorably, with the downtown Detroit skyline in the background. He was interested in the black and white version of this photo. For me it captures the urban setting in combination with the romance of falling in love. As Jason put it, the painting captures “the moment I fell in love all over again.”

I suggested possibly working in sepia tones or blues. He suggested combining these two ideas. I enjoyed the challenge of limiting my palette to these two colors. I decided to add full color mostly in Ewe’s face, to reinforce her as the focal point in the painting. I enjoyed this collaboration very much.

Here are a few process photos of the work in various stages from the original laying in to the finished product. They loved it, of course, because it was something we collaborated on, at every stage. Read what Jason said.

Note: The process photos were taken with studio light, which is why they have a yellow cast. The final portrait was photographed in sunlight and is truer in color to the original.

step 3, continued refinement

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