gocharlesondealsHere’s today’s first quick sketch, redeemed by the owner of GoCharlestonDeals.com.  There are about three days left to get your sketches in, at half price.   Check out that G0CharlestonDeals link above for more info about the deal.

I find the element of time to be such a valuable structure to work with.  When is not enough time exactly the right amount of time to finish a work of art?  Sometimes all the time in the world is too much time.

A great teacher once told me “it takes two artists to make a work of art.  One to do the artwork and the other to tell him when to stop.”

Check out other quick sketches and find out about hiring me at your next event.

If you like/don’t like or want to add your thoughts to the conversation, I encourage you to comment.  Also, you may want to get a copy of Point of Art – Second Edition, or download it today.   I offer career coaching for those serious about a career in art. Don’t forget to check out  The Portrait – a painting video  and The Power of Positive Painting, the original portrait painting video.

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