truthandfantasyThe ideas and inspiration are coming to me from everywhere, even before I have made my mission trip to Haiti. Thanks again to all who have contributed!  All the support is very heartwarming.  We are over 2/3 to our goal with 5 days left.

We are down to the wire; if we do not make our goal by August 31 at 8 pm then The Quench Project is a bust.  If you haven’t pledged, don’t wait till the last second.  It doesn’t have to be much.  If you have pledged, THANK YOU.   Now I’m asking that you share the project with others and urge them to pledge us over the edge.

Here’s a verse that is inspiring me and is likely to be a theme for the paintings I make:

“You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.” Psalm 63:1

As you know, Watermissions International is the inspiration and lead Partner for The Quench Project.   It is an amazing synergy with their living water message has been so very inspiring to me.  Check out their recent blog about our partnership.  We have decided to donate a portion of the sale of any artwork connected to the project to WMI, even though they have not asked for a contribution from me, other than my donating another original to their collection.  I just think it is the right thing to do so.  What do you think?

Finally, if you are in Charleston, you are cordially invited to a

Final Quench Project / House Warming Party
at our new home
5288 Renee Drive,
North Charleston, SC 29418

Saturday, August 31 at 6 pm. 

Come support our mission!  We will have BBQ, Bring a dish, a bathing suit (yes there’s a pool).  And if possible, come make a last minute pledge of $5 or more to push us over the edge.

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