I am that I am not. I am Neti. See NETI RUN (Remove Unnecessary Nonsense) “There is a war on beauty in the world. There is a war on intellectualism. There is a war on history where only the new is cool. But the only new thing is that which has not yet been...
MEDIA RELEASE 2-25-25 For more information please email Robert or contact him by phone at 843-486-3161. Here’s the latest on The Quench Project I am now sponsoring two extraordinary individuals whom I met in Haiti, back in 2015 at the Bread Of life Orphanage in...
We had a wonderful Holiday Party / Portrait Demonstration last evening at the Summerville Art Guild. Justin, my awesome neighbor agreed to pose and I think it came out rather well. I love it when my work is so appreciated. And I really enjoy painting from life with a...
“Who am I anyway? Am I my resume?” from A Chorus Line What is in our identity that makes us who we are? What is it in a person’s face, that if we capture it, we call it a likeness? People boast, “I never forget a face.” What is it in a...
Welp, the live podcast went very well, I have to say. It flowed easily and we covered a lot of ground about CSA. My hope is that what we talked about was helpful to others who are struggling with the recovery. You need not suffer alone. NAASCA and many other programs...
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