Faith vs Fact

There is a deeper knowledge than what can be seen and measured. Faith is a personal experience that can and should be shared. But it cannot be used to manipulate or be imposed on others. This is why we have the separation of church and state enshrined into our...

Alternate Facts and the Alt Right

Alternate Facts Are Now Ubiquitous with the Alt Right Let me start by thanking Mr. Trump. He is actually bringing me closer to my friends and family. Through disagreement and misunderstanding I have had to forge new bonds and explore new meanings of friendship and...

Hate, Love and Anger

“Anyone . . . who thinks I am filled with hatred has no idea what real hatred is” Dylann Roof In a mild, matter of fact voice and demeanor, Dylann Roof talked about hate in his final remarks at his sentencing. Of course, he demonstrated what hatred is in...

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