We are witnessing a transformation of our economy, as the unpleasant tasks we formerly performed for money will be done automatically by AI. We all will someday soon receive a guaranteed income and be free to do whatever we like. Whether that is pursuing our art or...
Steve Anthony Cefalo created some great tips for appreciating artwork, with which I agree whole heartedly. This is not anti-intellectual dribble (heaven forbid). It’s a way to expand your intuition and use your lifetime of experience to enter a work of art. The...
We refer to life’s obstacles as “formative experiences” or “trials” when we’re mature enough to process the challenges they present. We may succeed or fail but we are emotionally prepared to accept the consequences. And when we are not emotionally prepared to...
I got this question from a student. It’s one I get in one form or another quite a lot. So I hope my answer inspires you to dare to paint badly: “Thanks for the class today. I am struggling with my paint strokes. Not sure if it is because of my brushes or...
A Circus Barker: See the video on FB. Heres’s the transcript: Folks, ya simply won’t believe how you’ve managed to live without picture lights. The light reflected by an original oil painting into a room is at least 375 times richer and warmer than any...
This is a very difficult subject and I’m probably out of my league discussing, because I’m a member of white middle class by birth. But maybe, that is what makes me the most qualified. I have lived the entitlements heaped upon my demographic. Yes, I have...
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