A Children’s Story by Robby Maniscalco Once upon a time there was a beautiful but troubled young woman who had an unwanted child. She loved him in her way but wasn’t ready to give him all the love he craved. So she left him with his father who did his best to...
A call to action Beings come and go on this Earth, each to sing their own sweet song, muttering them almost imperceptibly as they pass. Or sometimes shouting them from the high ground of a flood. I awoke from a dream this morning on which my grandfather,...
Love languages of Ann Kennedy Thank you all for coming today. “Never trust a person who doesn’t love animals.” You could trust my mom. Tigey’s here to protect her from the indignity of being paraded out on display. There’s been much...
Prepare a Place for Your Dreams If you expect things to fall into place in your life, to realize your dreams, you must be willing to prepare a place for the dream to become real. If you dream of great wealth and success, you owe it to yourself to put structures in...
Art as a Metaphor for Life Have you ever thought of a painting (fill in your respective creative poison here) as a metaphor for your life? We all struggle with the desire to control our universe, our circle of influence, and to accept those things we cannot change....
Sometimes Having Strong Values Means More Than Just Being a Nice Guy* Sometimes a value that appears to be correct in a painting is anything but. You’ve got to know and understand how light works on form if you want to make your paintings look lifelike. ...
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