Fear and Bravery Fear is nothing more than an opportunity for bravery. Every time we are brave we are a hero to ourselves and others. rm There was a father and a son. The father, cold and afraid, herded onto a rugged ship with other brave...
Today I present a tribute to Gail mally-mack, whom we featured on Artbeat back in 2003. Her passing is a loss to the art world and the Detroit art community will miss her dearly. Although the conversation didn’t really go there in my visit in her studio, it...
“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.” Pablo Picasso Here’s the ugly truth about being an artist. Actually, its not really so ugly, once you get over the initial shock. It’s your job to convince me, the art...
The Power of Positive Painting (P3) The Philosophy Behind the P3 Method As the title suggests, my philosophy of teaching, as well as my approach to painting itself, is positive. I encourage my students to take positive action, always moving forward in their process. ...
Renewing Custom Massage If you are ever in need of a renewing custom massage or facial treatment, Marina Hackel is your go to gal in Charleston. Here’s what she has to say about her mission: Massage is not simply a technique, but a spiritual dance. It is a...
Here’s today’s first quick sketch, redeemed by the owner of GoCharlestonDeals.com. There are about three days left to get your sketches in, at half price. Check out that G0CharlestonDeals link above for more info about the deal. I find the element of...
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