Vincent John Doe
the new Multi-dimensional, multi-disciplinary play
By Robert Maniscalco
Will be presented as part of the
2019 Piccolo Spoleto Festival
Directed by Barbara Pitcher
Performance Dates: Thursday-Saturday, June 6-8 @ 8 pm (possible 2 pm Matinee on Saturday, June 8) and a final performance on Sunday @ 2 pm.

Performance Location: Cannon Street Playhouse (PURE Theatre’s new home) 134 Cannon Street
Note: We are planning to shoot a video/film version in various Charleston locations in the week immediately following the performances around actors’ schedules. (Useful to those looking to make a reel of acting film clips)
Auditions: Monday, April 22, 6:30-8:30 pm – Location: SOBT 34 Montague, North Charleston
Email [email protected] to make an appointment.
Callbacks: Tuesday, April 23, 6:30-8:30 pm – Location: PURE (134 Cannon Street, Charleston)
Notifications: April 25, 2019
Rehearsals between May 12 and June 5, 2019. Please come prepared with any and ALL conflicts you will or may have between May 12 and June 13, 2019
Auditions: Please send a photo (can be a selfie), resume, with contact info to [email protected], indicating your preferred audition time, blocks between 6:30, 7:00, 7:30 or 8:00 pm. We will get you as close to that as possible. Also, indicate for which role(s) you would like to read. You will receive confirmation and location time and place via email. Any questions, please call 313-689-2993.
At the Audition: Be prepared to bring your favorite monologue — 3 minutes is fine. You will be reading from sides, which will be available to you to read a half hour prior to your scheduled audition. Note: the part of Vincent and Dr. Fisher are cast (Dr. Fisher will be played by a surprise celebrity actor from LA), but all other parts are currently available.
Vincent John Doe is a multi-dimensional, multi-disciplinary theatrical event which ponders the question, “What if Vincent Van Gogh showed up in the world of today?” VJD follows Vincent, as he navigates the mental health system, fighting for his “truth.” Will he finally be able to embrace his own fame? We never quite know for sure if this individual really is Van Gogh or just another delusional, but the people he encounters on his visit to the future help “him” to understand his place in the universal order. Meanwhile, as the audience wonders whether the play is a piece of science fiction, a reboot of Alice in Wonderland or a psychological thriller, they have become embroiled in a high stakes existential battle over the real meaning of freedom, truth and love. This production of VJD will include live painting, as well as piano and violin music, all performed live. More info about this play
Character Breakdown:
VINCENT VAN GOGH is what we might expect of the great artist, who believes he has somehow been transported to the future. He is disoriented but firm in his convictions and intentions. Is he really who he says he is or just another delusional? Is anyone really who they think they are? The real existential question for Van Gogh, however, is not who he is but why he is here? VJD is an intense fantasy exploration of the thoughtful, insightful man behind the legendary mad genius. CAST
DR. KEN FISHER is a published psychiatrist who has developed idiosyncratic methods to help delusional patients in finding their true identity. Though he is never convinced that he is sitting across from the actual Vincent Van Gogh, he is hard-pressed to accomplish his goal of convincing his patient.
ANGEL is a floor nurse at a psyche ward, who does not believe in medicating people simply because they do not conform to societal norms. She has lost faith in the effectiveness of the mental health system. Carrying a secret connection to Van Gogh from childhood, she makes it her mission to help Van Gogh in his quest to understand his role as an artist and his place in society, past and present. Is she an agent of God or just one of a million well-meaning fans with her own nefarious agenda?
MS. MINDA is an ardent art therapist who believes sincerely in the power of creativity to unblock those struggling with mental illness, even someone as far gone as Vincent seems to be. She has absolute faith in art as the key to breaking through to the truth. CAST
RONNIE is a fellow patient. He is a brilliant sociopath with a sardonic wit, troubled by anger, who seems to have a remarkable grasp of reality, as long as it conforms to his skewed world view. If not, it is fake news and must be destroyed.
YOUNG ANGEL The younger, innocent Angel, before the fall. CAST
TURTLE is a resident/graffiti artist, wanting to make his mark on the world, though he has remarkably little to actually say about it, through his art. He longs for celebrity. The only problem is that his work is anonymous.
PATSY SIMMONS is a highly influential art dealer, who knows how to spin an effective narrative and capitalize on the talents of others.
ART CRITIC is a cynical yet deeply sincere in his longing for something deeper. CAST