We Know Trump is a Criminal

A large number of American now see Trump as the answer we’ve all been waiting for. For many people, Trump’s second term is like the second coming of Christ. They think all these trials are just a partisan witch hunt. But we really don’t have to look far to find obscene violations by Trump of the moral and social norms that have held our society together for thousands of years. Instigating and not lifting a finger to stop the January 6th insurrection is I think one of the more serious offences. Being a traitor to one’s country is not something that should be taken lightly. Bribing a prostitute to keep her silent in order to win an election got him a criminal conviction. Hiding top secret and sensitive documents even after the request had been made for their return and then sharing them with friends with no security clearance is a national security violation. Pressuring the GA secretary of state to “find votes” is a serious violation of the public trust. None of these are frivolous crimes. All of them are extremely important to maintaining national security and the rule of law. Whether or not they end in a conviction, we should all be able to agree they are terrible crimes. The recent Immunity decision by the Supreme Court certainly complicates these cases and future wrongdoings he may commit going forward. But clearly, he has violated the public trust. He should never have been allowed to run for president a second time and yet somehow he has managed to completely sidestep what we once considered minimum standards for elected officials. He is highly favored to be anointed for his second coming. That people could support or make excuses for his behavior or try to normalize it, suggests how far we have fallen as a society.

They Have Eyes But Can’t See

It’s easy to blame the media. But the facts are out there to see. True, multiple media outlets manipulate the facts to suit their agenda. But even with a minimal amount of digging people should be able to see that the economy, by every measure, is sound, not perfect. People should be able to see that although the immigration system certainly needs reforming, immigrants don’t commit any more crime than the rest of the population. People should be able to see he lost the 2020 elections. The facts are available to see. But they choose not to because it doesn’t suit their paradigm. The strange truth is people are wired red or blue in this country, about 50/50, across the population. I have no idea why this is. Is it genetic? Is it programed over generations? It seems to have been this way from the beginning. We have people who are motivated by fear and cynicism and those motivated by love and hope. The people motivated by fear and cynicism think the people motivated by love and hope are motivated by fear and cynicism and vice versa, in a perpetual loop of blame. Red and Blue is of course, an invention. Great minds have learned how to manipulate these human tendencies, keeping us at each other’s throats, while they go about the delicate work of social engineering. The great wealth disparity is working for them or they would have changed it years ago. Of course, the issue of who “they” are is a subject for another blog.

Trump is the Harold Hill of Politics

Meanwhile, there’s no way truth stands any chance in such an environment of distrust and cynicism. When a person, namely Trump, is able to get people to not trust truth, to no longer distinguish or trust what they see, that’s why he can control the narrative they way he does. It’s counter intuitive that the person who has destroyed our trust has enslaved half the population, who believe every word he utters simply because he must know what’s best. After all, he’s the one who opened our eyes to all the terrible things we didn’t realize were going on. He’s the one who taught us not to trust anything, the deep state, Hunter Biden’s laptop, immigrants who may be Hannibal Lecter, regulators, abortionists, gays, fast women, etc. He’s like Harold Hill selling band instruments to the good people of River City. Even though most of what he says is a lie, there is always just enough truth to make him credible. Anyone who’s watched Trump speak will notice he’s just as convincing in a lie as he is with the truth. There comes a point where we can’t know which of what he says is true and which are lies. And for his followers, it doesn’t matter.

Trump is More Like Jesus, than Hitler

Ironically, this is also what Jesus did. Sort of. Jesus taught us not to trust the law, good works, the Pharisees, the government. None of these will get you into heaven, he said. “I am the way, the truth and the light.”  Once you take away the peoples’ foundation, the things they always trusted, when they have nothing to hold onto, they will quite naturally grab onto the one who opened their eyes in the first place. The greater the trouble, the more desperate people will be for the answers. The only savior in a sea of doubt is the one holding the answers. Like Jesus to his disciples in that stormy sea, Trump is asking his followers to have faith. But unlike Jesus, Trump is yelling, “abandon ship!” when the ship isn’t actually sinking, as we discussed above. And in the case of Trump, he is only dangling the life preserver, the answer to our troubles, not throwing it to the drowning masses, who see him as their only way out of the terrible situation he has made them think they’re in. He has opened their eyes, and extorted their trust in exchange for the solution. But instead of solutions, he offers only more problems. And this is the crux of the issue. To trump, problems are like peanuts. The more there are, the more he will eat. Each problem is replaced with more problems that make us forget about the previous problems, and so on, and so on, until we are in so deep, and we are depending so much on him for the answers, that bigger and bigger problems become normalized. Trump realizes that the more problems there are, the bigger they are, the more his followers will need him. One might notice pretty quickly how such a scenario might end.

For instance, he is now proposing mass deportation to solve the immigration “problem.” Imagine what that might look like, as people are being rounded up and placed in mass detention camps. This will inevitably create more and bigger problems, as mistakes are made, as people struggle to prove they are here legally, or begin to fight back. Collateral casualties will mount. The need to put down uprisings and reprisals will grow. People will organize and protest. How will he deal with these problems?  Of course, the unrest will have to be put down; they will pose a national security threat. The arrests will be politicized, of course. And before long military force will be needed to be quell the masses. Where it goes after this is anyone’s guess. All I know, is the bigger the bully, the harder they fall. So it is hard for me to be optimistic about our chances in the second coming of Trump.


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