A Grandma’s love
I’m very excited to show another recent commission. This one from a bunch of photos taken by a proud grandma. In this case, Cheryle gave me many options and said “surprise me.” I have found, the more latitude a client provides an artist, the better the result. I think a general concept is something we need to agree upon, but giving the artist freedom on how to execute is a formula for success.
Obviously, I’ve had to learn how to succeed under numerous conditions. If someone gives me a fuzzy b&w, as in my previous post, I have to figure out what it will take to make it beautiful and meaningful. As a portrait artist, I must draw from multiple skill sets. But mostly a draw from a deep love for humanity and the human condition.
This one was all pleasure and very little struggle. I think it’s a very warm piece and I’m very proud of the work I did. The blue coat and eyes set apart from the warm leaves creates a strong focus of interest. You can even feel the chill on the tip of his nose. Notice how the leaves lead us around the picture, taking us on a path and pointing towards the face. I like the way he’s reaching for the leaves but not overly concerned about getting one. I really feel like I captured the feeling of joy and wonder as well as a contentedness in his face, from a pic only a grandma could take and a seasoned artist could bring to life. It is an unusual concept for a portrait. Again, I appreciate the collaboration and the latitude I was given.
This is the second grandchild portrait I’ve done for Cheryle, each a completely different concept, suited to each subject. I love my job and am most grateful to those who have placed their faith in me over the many years I’ve been doing this work.
Here’s what Cheryle said of my portrait of her grandson: “You captured everything, Rob—the playfulness of the moment, his sweet loving nature. This is more special than I could have ever imagined! “