oprahIn my 25 years of doing this, I’m more proud of these two shows than almost anything else I’ve done in my career. These are two of the most phenomenal shows I’ve ever done.”  Oprah Winfrey

 I was invited in 2010 to be among the “Oprah 200” on The Oprah Winfrey Show, who courageously devoted two entire shows in her last season on network TV to bringing this epidemic of Male Child Sexual Abuse into full view, tearing away the insidious veil of shame along with the destructive stigmas and myths that have surrounded it for centuries.   This is why TV was invented folks.

I am so proud to have joined in solidarity with 200 other brave male survivors from all walks of life who were there to tell their story in hopes of giving millions of victims, now suffering in silence, the chance for rebuilding their lives.  In fact, many of us who were part of the “Oprah 200” remain in contact to support one another’s work as advocates.

For those who missed the first episode, you can still watch it on line right now.  I ask you to share this link with your friends, even if it makes you uncomfortable to bring the subject up.  It is this very human apprehension and discomfort that the pedophile exploits to perpetuate this horrific epidemic. Please just think about the children.  Remember, 1 out of 6 men will be sexually abused before they reach 18.  Also, there is a 20% greater risk of abuse occurring from the boyfriend of a single mom.  I have plenty more statistics where those came from.  The information can be overwhelming.
Since my experience of doing the show, I can tell you my life has been completely transformed.  It was the first time I had actually met a fellow survivor, that I knew of.  It triggered a reexamination of my own life, involving intense therapy, yoga and deep study.  I can report with all honesty that I have never been happier, content and certain about my mission and purpose in life.
My story of self discovery is revealed in my book, The Fishfly, which graples quite dramatically with the question, “what would I do, if as an adult, I came face to face with the perpetrator who stole my innocence?”  What would you do?

For some reason, even after the Penn State fiasco, Charleston’s media has shied away from covering this issue and the Oprah programs and the inspiring stories of survival.  I’m not sure why.

I also wanted to mention that I am a facilitator with Darkness to Light (D2L.org), which is a nationwide, Charleston-based organization dedicated to the prevention of childhood sexual abuse.  If you or your group would like to learn about prevention I would be honored to present a “Stewards of Children” seminar aimed at arming those involved with children in any way with what they need to protect our children from abuse.  Groups of at least 2-3 people, but probably no more than 15 are ideal.  I am offering these services free of charge and am very eager to get the word out so please put your thinking cap on for me.

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