
As many of you know, I have been playing Santa on Facetime this year.  Why? Because I believe in Santa.  It’s been a very meaningful project and I’m humbled by each and every amazing experience in which I have been a part.  Santa has been visiting schools, hospitals and many kid’s homes.

I didn’t tell my kids about my side job because I wanted to give them a call from Santa, like I was giving all the other kids.  Although Mary had a great time, Danny, who is nine, seemed a bit reserved during his facetime visit from Santa.   So I decided to write him a letter.  Here it is

Dear Danny,

I want to thank you for helping to make Mary’s experience with Santa a lot of fun for her.  I noticed you were having a hard time talking to Santa and I think I know why.  Do you think maybe that was me playing Santa on Facetime?  Well, you may be right about that, but not completely.  Let me explain.  First, I want you to know, I wasn’t trying to trick you.  I wanted you to have the Santa experience I’ve been sharing with so many other boys and girls this Christmas and I didn’t want to ruin it for you by telling you in advance.

Why?  Because it’s important for you to know that Santa is real, even if I’m just playing him.  For me acting is about truth.  The truth of Santa, whether or not he’s a real person, or just something the world made up so many years ago, is not really important.  Santa, the generous giver, and protector of children, is real.  I never want you to stop believing in Santa, okay?  Santa loves you, just as I love you.  Santa is about love and the lengths people will go for love.  He travels the whole Earth on Christmas eve to make sure everyone has presents.  Maybe he’s not some old guy with a beard but rather all the moms and dads and grandparents, etc., who love their children, and especially the children who don’t have a mommy or a daddy.  Santa loves them too.

I want you to know this because you need to know how much love there is in the world.  I think you said it best yourself, “I love everyone and everything.”  You inspired Santa with those words and so many you have spoken in our many conversations your whole life.  You and Mary are mine (and Santa’s) dearest treasures.

Santa with MUSC boyI want you to know the love you and Mary have inspired in me as Santa has been spreading outward to other children.  One little boy I called at the Children’s Hospital has cancer and may not have long to live.  The call from Santa made him very happy.  He needed more than anything to believe in love.  That’s why we believe in Santa.

So you keep believing in love Danny, okay?

Hugs to Mary and you.



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