Another reason I speak out against a second Trump presidency is because it will mark the end of the Parole program, allowing Americans to sponsor citizens of struggling countries, like Haiti and bring them here, legally. I am sponsoring two beautiful young men,

Abel Hilaire and Job Hilaire are brothers who are stuck in Haiti. Two more generous, compassionate and hardworking souls you will never find, in this or any other country. They are both quite creative and try so hard to work and teach and create beauty They are faith-filled Christians and have a powerful prayer life. Abel likes to construct architectural renderings and Job is a painter.

I met them in 2015 on a vision trip. They were in the Bread of Life Orphanage at the time, raised as Christians by Pastor Medit Sanon, rescued after the Hurricane and Earthquake that brought that poor country to its knees in 2010. Conditions there are worse by the minute. Job and Abel fear for their lives because of the gangs. I am heartbroken and worried we will not be able to get them out in time for the Trump purge.
Whatever your political persuasion, please pray for these two and for all the people of Haiti. And remember, these “illegal” aliens you’re talking about are human beings with faces and fathers and mothers and a story with a million reasons why they want to come here, anyway they can. And please don’t tell me they are taking our jobs or they should come hear legally or whatever justification you tell yourselves as you claim to be a Christian but refuse to welcome the stranger or help the least of these.

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