Dylann Roof Decides to Represent Himself C



Dylann Storm Roof Jury Selection, 12″ x 16″, pastel on paper, unframed

The Dylann Roof Courtroom Drawings are dedicated to victims and survivors of the Emanual AME Shooting on June 17, 2015. A portion of sales will be donated to the Church fund and organizations whose mission it is to move society from racism and division to one of unity and justice.

Robert’s courtroom sketching career is a fairly recent addition to the artistic diversity of his work.  He considers his courtroom sketches, particularly on the Dylann Roof case, an extension of his artistic mission: to see anew, to see deeply, to challenge complacency, to expose lies, to fight for truth and explore the meaning of justice, individually and as a society. The other side of this coin is to celebrate, explore and edify life.  This seeming dichotomy between darkness and light is fully expressed in the courtroom as truth and justice are pursued.

Dylann Roof “Racism and Why We Just Don’t Get it”
Dylann Roof “Drawing through Tears”
Dylann Roof “Prayer of Redemption”
Dylann Roof “Guilty as Charged”

Dylann Roof “But I’m not a racist”
Dylann Roof “Haiti, Charleston and Racism”

Unauthorized reproduction of these images is prohibited by law. Contact Robert about licensing or permission options.


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Type of Work

Original, Giclee stretch on canvas, Artists Proof (AP)


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