Joe Maniscalco Retrofitted
I’ve really been enjoying excavating my father’s legacy by digging out these vintage illustrations and re-captioning them.
I am re-purposing and compiling images of his and my work, along with witty and not-so-witty aphorisms into a coffee table style book. It will be available shortly for purchase. Let me know if you are interested in a copy.
I’ve been posting samples on my FB page. Here are a sampling. Please enjoy! And, feel free to suggest your own captions!
I just came across this beautiful little book, designed for kids with learning challenges, called The Sea Hunt. Its illustrations were gorgeous so I picked it up. I’m currently scanning the art and saw the artists name “Maniscalco”–could this be Joe? Anyway, the story was nothing much but the book itself is striking and the illustrations just great. Give a shout if you’d like more info or if you have more info on this little book.
I’m pretty sure it was another Joe Maniscalco, who was my father’s contemporary. He lived in California and did illustration for a number of children and religious books. Any way you can send me a couple images?
Yes he was one of my art teachers at pacific union college in the Napa valley.
You probably have him confused with the other Joe Maniscalco, the one known for religious illsutrations. Happens all the time.
Hi saw beautiful pictures in my 1959 edition of Ideals magazine where I saw artwork of Joseph Maniscalco artist . Easter Edition they made special mention and thanks of him for painting the eight religious pics of Christ in that issue . I was curious about the Artist . Thank you
Very nice! Most certainly, those were done by a Joe Maniscalco from California, who was a contemporary of my father, also Joe Maniscalco, who was active most of his career in the Detroit area. People often confused them. There were similarities in style as well. I know very little about the other Joe, other than that he did a lot of religious themed illustration. Hope this helps with the mystery.