I am dubious of the normal, particularly the new normal, where destructive, unhealthy, hate-filled voices are given credence. Their “common sense” solutions are often anything but. It’s time to embrace our neurodiversity. Now more than ever, we need...
We did it! Three amazing world premiere performances of Vincent John Doe at City Gallery, part of Piccolo Spoletto 2018, are now behind us. It was surreal for this playwright/actor, after all that work, over so many years, to receive standing O’s, applause after...
Dr. Timothy E West, MD is an early pioneer in the field of Infectious Disease here in Charleston, SC. His portrait will hang at Roper Hospital and was presented to him on May 5, 2018 as a surprise by his wife and Lowcountry Infectious Disease, his practice over many...
I love being an artist. It is a privilege. In recent years, however, it has also become a luxury. In fact it has become a vanity. It used to be that vanity galleries, founded by the super rich as tax shelters, were the rare. Nowadays, vanity galleries and coops seem...
My goal when I approach a portrait, either commissioned or non-commissioned, is to exercise empathy. My job is to relate to my subject, to feel what they feel, as I am expressing it in paint. The way I practice empathy in a realistic rendering is to be honest, without...
We talk about having faith in ourselves, as in, “I have faith in myself.” But what is that? What is this thing we call our self? We think of it as something encased inside our body. Many of us believe it actually is our body. We refer to this thing as...
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