Many of us believe artists are the mirrors of society. It is my intention that this collection of paintings, currently on the walls at Fabulon, gets us to look at the nature of desire. Here’s my exhibition statement: This exhibition, “The Quench Project...
Rocky Lives! To celebrate Rocky’s twelve years (and counting) on this Earth, Mary and Gren, his mom and dad, decided to have an oil portrait. Love, devotion, fondness don’t begin to describe the feelings this animal has engendered from his family....
“Find the art in yourself, not yourself in the art.” Constantin Stanislavski People often tell me they really want to be an artist and ask me what they should do to become successful. Most of them have stars in their eyes and are looking at me to feed...
Updated 7-3-17 Contact: Susan Irish (843) 566-3383 or Robert Maniscalco (313) 689-2993 for more information The Quench Project and the Mire of Desire at FABulon Charleston, SC. Robert Maniscalco will present new paintings from The Quench Project and recent sketches...
The One Love Collective is a movement of Charleston designers and makers, creating and collaborating, in an effort to showcase and identify Charleston design. The following was one of several articles written by Hannah Nelson, highlighting each member of the...
Danny became a Bar Mitzfah on May 20, 2017 He presented and chanted with poise, grace and confidence. As a father, I could not be more proud of his accomplishment. Following was the blessing I gave him: In a world riddled with chaos and animosity, it is my sincerest...
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