Hate, Love and Anger

“Anyone . . . who thinks I am filled with hatred has no idea what real hatred is” Dylann Roof In a mild, matter of fact voice and demeanor, Dylann Roof talked about hate in his final remarks at his sentencing. Of course, he demonstrated what hatred is in...

A Little Bird Told Me

I think God gave us Bernie (see video below), an imperfect vessel, so we might have a glimpse of what humans might achieve through our own best efforts. This old, kindhearted Jew never really had a chance, but for a brief moment, it seemed perhaps human decency might...

Guilty as Charged

The guilt phase of the Dylann Roof trial concluded as well as one might hope to expect: guilty on all 33 counts. As I listened to and drew his video confession and then heard his journal read from beginning to end, I began to understood a few things more clearly. Roof...

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