I must admit I was a little nervous going in, but my adjunct professorship at Charleston Southern University has been a true pleasure for me. Not only are the Drawing 1 & 2 students eager learners but they are some of the most gentle, fun-loving students...
I did my first Mobile Painting Party, where I packed up all the materials and traveled to a client location where they could painting and party in comfort. It worked out so well, I am now making that option available to others. My painting party experiences are fun,...
I spent this past Monday sketching at the Dylann Roof jury selection hearing at the federal court, in Charleston, SC. I will likely be producing more sketches during the upcoming trial as well. It should be noted from the start how cool that in the age of digital...
We talk a lot about the system being rigged and we propose this candidate or that one to “fix” it. But in reality, the fix is beyond any one individual’s control. I know of many in business, particularly in the arts business, who have been relegated...
When I was a young turk at Andover High School, in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, back in 1978, I was part of a band of brothers and sisters who happened to play music in the top rated HS orchestra and choir in the state. We were the nerds, the egg-heads, the sensitive...
Today I am grateful for the gift of recognition. I have worked hard over my 38 year career and been richly rewarded in what may seem to the outside world a very storied career. While the stories have not always been pretty or pleasant, I am no less grateful to those...
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