Art as a Metaphor for Life Have you ever thought of a painting (fill in your respective creative poison here) as a metaphor for your life? We all struggle with the desire to control our universe, our circle of influence, and to accept those things we cannot change....
Sometimes Having Strong Values Means More Than Just Being a Nice Guy* Sometimes a value that appears to be correct in a painting is anything but. You’ve got to know and understand how light works on form if you want to make your paintings look lifelike. ...
Drawing for the ages Ridge came to my studio for a quick sketch this morning. He was a delightful model and his mom really liked the drawing. Ridge was a very patient model for a 5 year old! I really enjoy sketching from life and as I always tell my students, life...
Getting it Right the First Time Rather than getting the wrong value on your brush and then working it into the painting, try getting the right value on your palette and painting directly onto the canvas, without apology. Smooshing the paint around only weakens the...
Joe Maniscalco Returns Fom the hey-day of illustration Here’s one of the vintage Joe Maniscalco illustrations I have re-purposed. I wonder what they were used for originally. They are masterfully painted in the hey-day of illustration. I was thinking of other...
Joe Maniscalco Retrofitted I’ve really been enjoying excavating my father’s legacy by digging out these vintage illustrations and re-captioning them. I am re-purposing and compiling images of his and my work, along with witty and not-so-witty aphorisms...
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