Private Lessons and Career Coaching
Robert offers the following professional, personalized services:
Whether you are serious about a career as a gallery artist, a commission portrait artist, or a dedicated amateur, Robert will help you get deeper into your art. The first thing we will do is determine whether you are on a career track or not. It’s not about talent; we need to honestly assess how serious you are about realizing your artistic vision. If your goals and vision are aligned with each other, we can get started with private painting lessons to give you hands on teaching and guidance in various forms of painting. From custom oil portraits and landscapes to self-expression, the Maniscalco Gallery in Charleston, SC is here to help you on your path. Contact us today to learn more about our private painting lessons and art workshops or to schedule a consultation with Robert Maniscalco!
Whatever your goal, Robert will help you deal with the obstacles that stand in the way of you realizing them. There are many forms and paths to success, some that are difficult to see on our own. Let’s discover your path, our program will be tailored to your specific needs. Regular consulting with an encouraging mentor, even remotely, is essential for success. Robert will help you clarify your goals, encouraging you to design and implement a plan of action that holds you accountable to yourself. Robert has helped launch hundreds of successful careers. Let him help you launch yours!
Coaching is getting someone to do what they don’t want to do, in order for them to be able to do what they want to do. —VINCE LOMBARDI
- Are you ready to make the leap from the sidelines to the playing field?
- Is it time to go from a dedicated amateur to the ranks of a professional artist?
- Is your career in a holding pattern?
- Do you need . . .
- a mentor?
- straight answers from someone with over 40 years in the business?
- some encouragement?
- a cheering section?
- someone in your court?
- an honest but compassionate critique?
- an outside eye on what is working and what isn’t?
Robert views professional coaching as an ongoing partnership individuallly designed to produce fulfilling results in his clients’ personal and professional life. Through the process of coaching, you will deepen your awareness, improve your performance, move forward in your career and enhance your quality of life. As your coach, Robert will help you::
- Discover, clarify, and deepen your mission as an artist
- Establish a healthy balance between your career and your personal life.
- Encourage and challenge you in self-discovery, developing your unique voice as an artist.
- Help you to generate solutions and strategies that lead to effective action.
- Save a lot of wasteful trial and error
- Challenge you to be diligent, responsible and accountable in your career.
- Increase your quality of life.
What We Will Do Together
- Develop a meaningful artist’s vision and mission statement (one that will actually help you make the art you really want to be making!)
- Set powerful, achievable long and short-term goals
- Develop a practical, functional business plan, a blueprint for your career
- Help you confront creative and professional blocks
- Create and Build a professional body(s) of work
- Developing a professional bio, artist’s statement and resume which actually reflect your creative mission
- Discover the secrets of getting your work into a gallery or finding a broker
- Create your own opportunities
- Carve out your niche
- Help you define your market and demographics (buyers)
- Develop a distinct style and brand for your work
- Achieve effective PR/promotion/brand recognition in your market
- Increase Sales
- Balance commission and non-commission work
- Explore well researched information and business models that can work for you
Private Instruction vs Coaching
Robert offers private art instruction. You can purchase one session,, two session or four session packages. Robert will give you a crash course in his PPP Method along with professional self-assessment. He will tailor an instruction program, depending on your goals and needs. There is a natural overlap between instruction and coaching. All instruction includes some professional coaching. And all coaching packages include some instruction. For instance, if your professional goal includes creating a body of figurative work, he will help you deepen your figurative abilities. In a coaching-only scenario, Robert will make recommendations for further instruction. Using previous work and experience as a springboard we will craft an achievable future that will fire your inspiration. We will find the ways in which you can contribute to the world as an artist.
Coaching Only Fees
$225 / month coaching services includes an initial 1 hour consultation by phone or in person, followed by three (3) weekly thirty-minute phone consults over each month. Plus periodic reviews of homework via email. Click here for more information on Coaching Services.
Critiquing Services
Detailed critiques available on-line (transmittal of work via email), by phone or in person. Critiquing services includes:
- Proactive written critique on one or more of your artwork(s)
- Concrete assessment of formal structural elements of the presented work
- Proactive Career assessment based on the work presented
- Assessment of how a body(s) of work might be derived from individual work(s) presented
- Assessment of style or brand
- Assessment of the market demographics for the work and/or body of work
- Ideas for an artist’s statement based on the work itself
- All critiques include one follow-up email to address specific questions about the critique
Critiquing Service Fees
$65 for first artwork
$30 for each additional artwork – limit three works.
$95 for a critique of an entire body of work (between 4-15 individual artworks related to one another in some way).
Maniscalco Gallery on Facebook
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.This is the purpose of my work as a portrait artist. This tribute to the Carters makes me realize the importance of what I do. ... See MoreSee Less
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.We long for the hand made, the human touch. Portraiture and fine art are on the rise because this is what makes our home feel "rich." By rich, we mean rich in spirit, rich in meaning. ... See MoreSee Less
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted."See The Light" is a new #painting. #Portrait of Irvin, #beloved member of @charlestonartistguild #portraitpainting #skintone #paintingpeople #creative #realism #light #painteroflight #howtopaint #realistic #superrealism #americanrealism #Watch the #demo on #fleshtones #paintingfaces #charleston #sc #art #artist @artschool_live ... See MoreSee Less
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.... See MoreSee Less
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.