Robert Maniscalco of Charleston, SC, is the Recipient of Three Prestigious Art Awards, so Far in 2021

Robert Maniscalco received the “Best in Show” award in “Our Rivers, Our Lakes” exhibition at Grosse Pointe Art Center, in Grosse Pointe, MI. The prize consists of a cash award or a one man exhibition at the Center. Maniscalco, a former Grosse Pointer and owner of the Maniscalco Gallery in GP, is now in the planning stages for his solo exhibition at the GPAC, probably in February, 2022. This will be a return of sorts, to the area.

The juror for “Our River, Our Lakes,” Sabrina Miller, an ecosystem biologist and wetland specialist for the US Army Corp of engineers for Detroit, was in tears as she concluded her juror talk with the “Best in Show” award for “Thirst,” as the conversation turned to the real purpose of water conservation. The exhibit is all the more poignant with recent flooding in Grosse Pointe, greatly effecting the GPAC, based at the GP War Memorial.

Maniscalco received the “Juror’s Award in Painting” at the 2021 MOJA Festival‘s juried exhibition at the City Gallery in Charleston, SC. His painting, “A Father’s Love” captured the eye of artist-juror, Andrea Hazel.

Maniscalco also received the “Award of Merit” in the 2021 “H2O” Mid-Atlantic National Juried Art Exhibition at the Virginia Beach Art Center, VA. His painting, “Beacon of Hope“ depicts a possible dystopian future, as a result of climate change. The juror was Dr. Vanessa Thaxton-Ward of the Hampton University Museum.

These three awards are consecutive, which is highly unusual in the art world. “I’m happy to say I’m three for three so far in 2021, as far as competitions go.” Of course Robert knows this is a fluke. Normally, an artist enters numerous competitions with an occasional win. But Robert is on a roll in 2021. “I don’t know if the ‘Rule of 3’s’ applies in this case. I hope not. I’d like to continue the streak but I’m prepared to accept that art is a highly subjective enterprise. One juror’s best of show might be rejected in another show. In my career, I have lost far more than I’ve won. As an artist I must constantly remind myself that rejection does not equal failure.” Robert does not see fine art as a competitive sport, realizing at the same time, awards such as these are essential to an artists success in the real world. He discusses his positive attitude in his recent book, also published this year. “The Power of Positive Painting” has become a #1 Amazon Bestseller!

Each one of these paintings are part of The Quench Project, which began with a vision trip to Haiti and has taken the artist all over the world. The next addition to TQP will be in a collaboration with Emite, a water provider to remote areas in Africa. More information on that soon.

Contact: Robert Maniscalco by e-mail at ([email protected]), call 313/689-2993 or visit (

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