I am dubious of the normal, particularly the new normal, where destructive, unhealthy, hate-filled voices are given credence. Their “common sense” solutions are often anything but. It’s time to embrace our neurodiversity. Now more than ever, we need...
Imagine what Hitler might have been able to accomplish if he’d had access to today’s social media, technology, wealth, weaponry combined with such intense levels of division and mistrust among his citizenry. Germany’s democracy collapsed under far less pressure....
Trump is performing exactly as expected. His presidency is turning the status quo on its head, chipping away at democracy, discrediting, dismantling and undermining the institutions we’ve built up and have come to take for granted for so long. We are moving from a...
We did it! Three amazing world premiere performances of Vincent John Doe at City Gallery, part of Piccolo Spoletto 2018, are now behind us. It was surreal for this playwright/actor, after all that work, over so many years, to receive standing O’s, applause after...
The right talks a lot about realists, that the POTUS is a decisive, bold, practical leader because he stands up to our allies and reaches out with respect to despots. But so far at least, he has conceded much and gained little in return. They think this behavior...
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