Art Instruction Blog
Painting the Finish
“No one is an artist unless he carries his picture in his head before painting it, and is sure of his method and composition.” Claude Monet. This conundrum is found in all disciplines. I equate the creative process to riding a horse. You want to ride the trail and...
My New Play
Colorful characters, along with clever twists and turns of circumstance are lots of fun on stage but without ideas, it's just another sitcom. rm As I work on my play I am struck by the challenges of balancing theme and plot. The deadliest mistake an artist can make is...
Ego Triggers
"It is a singular sensation to see and hear one's self praised, and then to be conscious of one's own imperfections as I am. I always regard such occasions as admonitions to get nearer the unattainable goal set for us by art and nature, hard as it may be." Ludwig...
Clearing a Path for Creativity
For many years I thought being positive was a process of denying my fears and resentments, the main obstacles for a creative flow, and replacing them with love and acceptance. The Law of Attraction is great stuff but I have found until I was first able to face my...
The Role of the Master
In life we take turns being the master or the apprentice. Often we are both at once. These distinctions are always by mutual agreement. It is through these relationships that we grow. Some master/apprentice arrangements are healthy. Some are not. When the ego...
Where Will Your Portrait End Up?
"Thank the work of our hands: weaving steel into bridges, finishing one more report for the boss on time, stitching another wound or uniform, the first brush stroke on a portrait, or the last floor on the Freedom Tower jutting into a sky that yields to our...
Producing Greatness
The true artist has no pride; unhappily he realizes that art has no limitations, he feels darkly how far he is from the goal, and while, perhaps he is admired by others, he grieves that he has not yet reached the point where the better genius shall shine before him...
“My First Painting” by Cate Maniscalco
Today I'm proud to feature an extended BLOG by my wife, the courageous Cate Maniscalco. Week one: Wednesday morning, the sun shining bright on a warm, beautiful mid-November day, tearing ourselves from one another, I realize the time. Oh my, Rob's painting class...
Acting Methods
Some of you may not realize I am an actor. My experience and training is eclectic. My technique borrows from Stanislavski, Adler, Meisner, Strassberg and a myriad of others who's names you probably don't know. I even studied with Mark Lenard (Sarak from Star Trek)!...
Words and the Right Brain
Whatever you put in is what will come out, recycled as something else. For instance, I wonder about using music with lyrics as a "background" for painting. Personally, I use instrumental music. If I hear lyrics it activates my left brain, which tends to think of...
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