Motivational Blog
The Destroyer
TRIGGER ALERT - Mature content. Light This video (below) may be challenging for those recovering from Child Sexual Abuse. That is the intention. It is a poem, created from the perspective of the abuser. It was intended as a therapeutic exercise in empathy, by me, and...
Watching Democracy Fall
Republicans are enthusiastically voting to make our country unsafe, under insured, uneducated, underpaid, underfed, uninformed, unable to vote. Why? Because at the end of the day they believe themselves immune from such misfortunes. Bad things only happen to those who...
Empathy for a Survivor
For 1 in 16 US women, first sexual intercourse experience was rape, study says. As a survivor, I find this is extremely troubling, to be sure. But I also wish they had gathered statistics on male CSA. My first sexual experience was being raped by a trusted family...
The Math of the Holocaust
I am a Christian, the father of two Jewish children and I am active in their synagogue. I’m also an artist, theatrician, writer and amateur mathematician. So let's do some math around the Holocaust. Have you ever wondered why there are hundreds of churches for every...
A Judge of Character
The portrait itself came about after a months long collaboration, where together we came up with elements and a pose that would express Judge Steib’s legacy and world view.
ForEVAN Young
They say a portrait may be your best shot at immortality. At least, we know a portrait will likely outlive us. But the oil portrait is also an opportunity to recapture our youth, while we're alive to appreciate it. At least that's the case with Evan, who finally...
Evil is a Force
Why do otherwise normal people support evil ideas, like racism, without even realizing it is racism? Because evil is always girded in righteousness. The feeling of being right is so intoxicating. It triggers our ego and makes us feel invincible. It ruins marriages and...
Hired Gun
Many know me mostly for my commission portraits. Does that make me a hired gun? Before I dig into that, here's a gentle reminder that I am free to paint whatever strikes my fancy, including commission portraits! Nonetheless, I invite you to take a short journey of my...
And the winner is . . . Dylann Roof!
Roof 1-10-17 Roof Delivers His Closing Statement for Sentencing Congratulations Dylann! Here's what you've won: A fabulous front row seat in hell as your Manifesto now comes to fruition, along with the satisfaction of having projected your twisted vision into the...
Are We Dead?
Ever notice it’s always the other people who are dead inside? They are always the sheep, blithely following. Never us. The thought occurred to me that maybe we are them. It's a theme I've been exploring, mostly because of the ever growing political divides, plaguing...
Maniscalco Gallery on Facebook
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.Any old school #Republicans out there who #remember a time we didn't have to question the #sanity of our #leaders? #Reagan #putin #trump #ukraine #supportukraine ... See MoreSee Less
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.This is your last chance to register for my 1 day in-person "Chasing the Light" workshop at Perspective Gallery in Mt Pleasant this Sunday. I have a couple spots left and they have your name on them! It's a small group and we're going to get into some pretty deep into some fun new techniques. Inject some new life and joy into your painting process!
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Invisibility is only a super power for those who don't want to be seen. For everyone else, there's oil portraiture. Be seen, heard, trusted and celebrated. ... See MoreSee Less
Several Important Feature Story Prompts - Maniscalco Gallery
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 6, 2025 Contact: Robert Maniscalco, artist/author [email protected] mobile: 313-689-2993 Maniscalco Presents Several Important Portrait Commissions and Publis...I love watching (and making) @these process videos. #Process is #painting #paintingdemo #drawingdemo #portraitdemo #portraitpainting #paintwhatisee #realism #learntopaint #realistic #studyart #artmentoring #drawnow #paintwhatyoulove #mastriusartist Portrait Society of America Charleston Artist Guild & CAG Gallery ART on the Square - Summerville #portraitsketch ... See MoreSee Less