Low-balling Art Is a Flop I’ve been running a little marketing experiment lately. I’ve been offering recent demo paintings for a much lower price than one might expect to pay at an art fair or even a framed print in a frame shop. Very often, these demo...
Baby Portraits in Charcoal and Conte My dear friend Jason Zwiker asked me to create a couple charcoals sketches from photographs he had. I decided to go with the toned paper, with conte. I love the look of these drawings and am hoping to have the opportunity to more...
Who really knows their Right from their Left? The traditional Right vs Left brain conversation is not giving us the complete picture. New findings suggest that people are not necessarily more functional on one hemisphere of their brain over the other. I have done...
Dr. Janice Lage Portrait Presentation The portrait of Dr. Janice Lage, Chair of MUSC’s Pathology Department, was recently added to their amazing collection, recognizing the service of the field’s top doctors and those who have distinguished themselves in...
Mountain Majesty, 16 x 20″ oil on canvas, framed by the artist Here’s the latest demo from a really fun painting party. I worked on it after everyone left, experimenting with some crazy colors to create a bit more vibration. I may have gone too far with...
Fight for Peace! There is an insane culture of Double-speak in this country. Following is by no means a complete list: We must . . . tolerate others’ intolerance. protect our freedom by curtailing others’ freedoms. protect our right to impede others’ rights. execute...
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