Art Instruction Blog
Seeing What We Want to See
Inattentional Blindness - Falling for the Trick We've all seen them on the internet. I'm talking about those amazing chalk drawings on sidewalks that look 3-D. Or those optical illusions that make things appear differently than they really are. These are examples of...
Drawing vs Copying
Looking Deeper I sometimes comment in FB groups, offering my humble critique, when asked. Here’s what I offered for this drawing on the left. Honestly, there is a huge difference between drawing and copying a photo. So much of what I see in this group is copying....
The Power of Positive Painting Story
People thought I was crazy trying to create a system that would make drawing and painting available to anyone who applied themselves, what I call the "democritization" of art. That was the goal, to distil the processes of master realists and combine them with the...
The P3 Movement
Guilty, as charged! But fortunately #forgiveness awaits, with the #purchase of @ThePowerofPositivePainting. #Learn to #draw and #paint. As a frequent art competition juror in the 1990s and 2000s, I noticed roughly over 80% of the representational entrants at local art...
Hue-based Society
We live in a hue-based society. Most artists have an unhealthy addiction to hue. Our obsession with color, specifically the hue of a color, undermines our ability to see form objectively. The Power of Positive Painting, my 157 page full color book, is an an effort to...
What People are Saying About The P3
I didn't set out to write four books. I simply had something important to say and I found a way to say it. Here's what People are Saying about my teaching and the book I could not be happier that my latest book, The Power of Positive Painting has received such glowing...
Press Release About the Power of Positive Painting
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 15, 2024 Contact: Robert Maniscalco, author [email protected] mobile: 313-689-2993 The Power of Positive Painting has become a #1 Amazon Bestseller! 0 Forty years in the making, author, artist, and gallerist Robert Maniscalco...
Forward from The Power of Positive Painting
Forward from "The Power of Positive Painting" A lot has changed in the art world in the forty plus years since I embarked on my career. Academia is finally embracing contemporary realism – realism that has something important to say about our world. Meanwhile, popular...
Private Lessons Are the Way
Virtual or In-person Private Lessons Covid19 has everybody making adjustments. As an artist, I am going about my business very differently than usual. The Pandemic is an interrupter to the art business, in a lot of ways. Fortunately, as a visual artist, a lot of my...
Form, Character and Likeness
Excerpt From "The Power of Positive Painting," the Upcoming Color Book, by Robert Maniscalco Shedding Light on Values In the beginning, there was light. Long before Thomas Kinkaid turned “painter of light” into a ridiculous slogan, the masters knew of its critical...
Maniscalco Gallery on Facebook
Any old school #Republicans out there who #remember a time we didn't have to question the #sanity of our #leaders? #Reagan #putin #trump #ukraine #supportukraine ... See MoreSee Less
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.This is your last chance to register for my 1 day in-person "Chasing the Light" workshop at Perspective Gallery in Mt Pleasant this Sunday. I have a couple spots left and they have your name on them! It's a small group and we're going to get into some pretty deep into some fun new techniques. Inject some new life and joy into your painting process!
REGISTER HERE --> ... See MoreSee Less
Invisibility is only a super power for those who don't want to be seen. For everyone else, there's oil portraiture. Be seen, heard, trusted and celebrated. ... See MoreSee Less
Several Important Feature Story Prompts - Maniscalco Gallery
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 6, 2025 Contact: Robert Maniscalco, artist/author [email protected] mobile: 313-689-2993 Maniscalco Presents Several Important Portrait Commissions and Publis...I love watching (and making) @these process videos. #Process is #painting #paintingdemo #drawingdemo #portraitdemo #portraitpainting #paintwhatisee #realism #learntopaint #realistic #studyart #artmentoring #drawnow #paintwhatyoulove #mastriusartist Portrait Society of America Charleston Artist Guild & CAG Gallery ART on the Square - Summerville #portraitsketch ... See MoreSee Less
Get online coaching and mentorship with me, in the comfort of your own home/studio. I'm on Mastrius and have a one on one program to help you get deeper into form based painting and career coaching. PM me for the link to sign up. #studyart #learntodraw #learntopaint #painting #paintlight #realistic #realism #paintwhatyousee #paintwhatyoulove #lovetopaint #paintwhatisee #artmentoring #drawnow # ... See MoreSee Less
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.