Robert blogs on art, creativity, politics, CSA, religion and culture. Many overlap into multiple categories, like motivational or random favorites. Robert is a life-long artist, writer, musician & actor, a professional creative his entire adult life. Born in 1959 in Detroit, he has lived in New York, New Orleans and currently in Charleston. His commission portraits and fine art are part of over a thousand collections throughout North America. Read his bio.
Beauty and the Beast
Our family rented the movie, Beauty and the Beast, last night. Cate and I find it very moving, in all its incarnations. I've never fully understood why this particular story has such power for me. Here's one attempt at an answer. The beauty represents our longing for...
Mire of desire
Many of us believe artists are the mirrors of society. It is my intention that this collection of paintings, currently on the walls at Fabulon, gets us to look at the nature of desire. Here's my exhibition statement: This exhibition, "The Quench Project and the mire...
Portrait of Rocky
Rocky Lives! To celebrate Rocky's twelve years (and counting) on this Earth, Mary and Gren, his mom and dad, decided to have an oil portrait. Love, devotion, fondness don't begin to describe the feelings this animal has engendered from his family. I'm sure they would...
Start with the Idea
"Find the art in yourself, not yourself in the art." Constantin Stanislavski People often tell me they really want to be an artist and ask me what they should do to become successful. Most of them have stars in their eyes and are looking at me to feed their ego. "Do...
Media Release – May 25, 2017
Updated 7-3-17 Contact: Susan Irish (843) 566-3383 or Robert Maniscalco (313) 689-2993 for more information The Quench Project and the Mire of Desire at FABulon Charleston, SC. Robert Maniscalco will present new paintings from The Quench Project and recent sketches...
One Love Collective Movement
The One Love Collective is a movement of Charleston designers and makers, creating and collaborating, in an effort to showcase and identify Charleston design. The following was one of several articles written by Hannah Nelson, highlighting each member of the...
A Father’s Bar Mitzvah Blessing
Danny became a Bar Mitzfah on May 20, 2017 He presented and chanted with poise, grace and confidence. As a father, I could not be more proud of his accomplishment. Following was the blessing I gave him: In a world riddled with chaos and animosity, it is my sincerest...
Change the Award System – Empower Artists
As a promised followup to my recent Artfields 2017 wrap up I would like to share some radical ideas about the award system in art competitions that I think might lead to truly empowering artists in our society. If we really want artists to be the mirror of society...
Art as an Interruption Artfields 2017 was, as always, an inspiring experience. Cate and I love going to Lake City, SC and talking about the meaning and role of art in our society. I strongly believe Artfields and the other mega award shows, like ArtPrize in Grand...
A Common Vision
When I was president of WCCAHH I noted there were over 600 arts organizations in Wayne County, many with very similar missions and visions. I wondered how we could get them to combine efforts and resources to create a more meaningful impact on the community. That...
All Our Yesterdays
Something got a hold of me and I decided to convert some of the old films I acted in back in my NYC days into DVDs. I made these in the late 80s and they look a bit dusty. They were mostly shot on 16 m and shown at student film festivals. They were the final projects...
Faith vs Fact
There is a deeper knowledge than what can be seen and measured. Faith is a personal experience that can and should be shared. But it cannot be used to manipulate or be imposed on others. This is why we have the separation of church and state enshrined into our...
Maniscalco Gallery on Facebook
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.Any old school #Republicans out there who #remember a time we didn't have to question the #sanity of our #leaders? #Reagan #putin #trump #ukraine #supportukraine ... See MoreSee Less
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.This is your last chance to register for my 1 day in-person "Chasing the Light" workshop at Perspective Gallery in Mt Pleasant this Sunday. I have a couple spots left and they have your name on them! It's a small group and we're going to get into some pretty deep into some fun new techniques. Inject some new life and joy into your painting process!
REGISTER HERE --> ... See MoreSee Less
Invisibility is only a super power for those who don't want to be seen. For everyone else, there's oil portraiture. Be seen, heard, trusted and celebrated. ... See MoreSee Less
Several Important Feature Story Prompts - Maniscalco Gallery
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 6, 2025 Contact: Robert Maniscalco, artist/author [email protected] mobile: 313-689-2993 Maniscalco Presents Several Important Portrait Commissions and Publis...I love watching (and making) @these process videos. #Process is #painting #paintingdemo #drawingdemo #portraitdemo #portraitpainting #paintwhatisee #realism #learntopaint #realistic #studyart #artmentoring #drawnow #paintwhatyoulove #mastriusartist Portrait Society of America Charleston Artist Guild & CAG Gallery ART on the Square - Summerville #portraitsketch ... See MoreSee Less