Robert blogs on art, creativity, politics, CSA, religion and culture. Many overlap into multiple categories, like motivational or random favorites. Robert is a life-long artist, writer, musician & actor, a professional creative his entire adult life. Born in 1959 in Detroit, he has lived in New York, New Orleans and currently in Charleston. His commission portraits and fine art are part of over a thousand collections throughout North America. Read his bio.
The Keto Diet and the Meaning of Life
When one reaches a certain age, it becomes next to impossible to lose weight. I've tried so many diets. They don't work anymore. But I’ve lost almost 20 pounds (so far) on the Keto diet. Here’s my theory: We Homo sapiens were cursed early on to live, eat and die along...
The following can be understood and consumed as both philosophy and technical advice. Some musicians have the ability to hear passages of music, fully realized in their heads. Mozart and Beethoven come to mind. That's one reason I play their music when I paint....
The Visitors
Today, visitors who said they were from another planet stopped by to give us a cup of sugar. One of them said, “it looks like you will need this.” I said to them, “of all the things you could bring us from your world, why would you choose a cup of sugar?” They seemed...
My Covid19 Takeaway
A year and a half in of mask wearing, social distancing, and just like that, I got the Covid. And it’s kickin my ass. I’m so glad I’m vaxed and boosted. As an added precaution, I also opted to take the PAXLOVID ani-virals, from Pfizer, a regiment consisting of six...
End the Violence
Violence can no longer be put forth as a solution to our problems. As the President recently said in his Philidelphia address, "it is not normal." It should not become a part of the political discourse. It has always been the way in this country. But violence has been...
Grim Forecast
Here’s what’s going to happen, and it does not make me happy to forecast doom and gloom. The Democrats haven’t done away with the filibuster because they still hold out a quaint hope for bipartisanship, and because they can’t get a majority within their own party....
Stop Turning Your Head
Those who continue to support this pathetic loser say they do so because they like his policies or his stance on certain social issues. They simply ignore his “antics.” But delusional thinking and/or lying, as in the big lie, should be enough to disqualify. Those are...
Overrun by Sociopaths
Do you wish we had politicians who were honest enough to admit the game is rigged, who had actual experience in business and understood how the economy really works, who knew exactly how to stop the illegal flow of immigrants flooding across our borders, taking our...
The Day After Roe Fell - June 23, 2022 No mail today; it's an unofficial holiday. Our master's heart is flying, as we hear the fireworks, decrying. At least the weeds I tried to kill are dying, even as our politicians all are lying, while mothers stuck with children...
Playing in the Mud
Stepping into the Arena A friend who took my workshop many years ago, posted today that she hadn't painted since, and wanted to. I recall how much she enjoyed herself and the wonderful results she got using my painting method. So I posted a reply, hoping to encourage...
January 6th Hearings
Have you been watching the January 6th Hearings? So far, we've learned there was no evidence to support Trump's claims of a stolen election, that Trump himself was attempting to steal the election, that he was behind the insurrection at every stage, that he tried to...
The Real Issue Behind the Mass Shootings
What is Really Behind all the Mass Shootings? Some people say it’s a mental health issue. Others say it’s a gun issue. What it is, is a political health issue. America is experiencing political psychosis. There’s an insanity, a deep illness, an acute political...
Maniscalco Gallery on Facebook
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.This is the purpose of my work as a portrait artist. This tribute to the Carters makes me realize the importance of what I do. ... See MoreSee Less
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.We long for the hand made, the human touch. Portraiture and fine art are on the rise because this is what makes our home feel "rich." By rich, we mean rich in spirit, rich in meaning. ... See MoreSee Less
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted."See The Light" is a new #painting. #Portrait of Irvin, #beloved member of @charlestonartistguild #portraitpainting #skintone #paintingpeople #creative #realism #light #painteroflight #howtopaint #realistic #superrealism #americanrealism #Watch the #demo on #fleshtones #paintingfaces #charleston #sc #art #artist @artschool_live ... See MoreSee Less
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.... See MoreSee Less
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.