We are at 31 backers, and have $1,810 in pledges, more than half our goal for our Kickstarter Campaign. But we only have 13 days left. That means we have to work quickly if we want to see The Quench Project succeed. Remember if we don’t make our goal of...
Thanks for the recent pledges to my Kickstarter Campaign, “The Quench Project.” We are getting closer to the halfway point. I don’t dare get too optimistic that this project will proceed as planned, but I can’t help getting excited by what we...
“Having read and watched your kickstarter Quench Project presentation a couple of times, I am yet unclear on the percentage of money going to “their” great cause, as opposed to “your” cause? And, what percentage of the sale of your work...
Silly me. I’m so new to this crowd funding concept that I only just discovered I can send updates to my backers. So here’s the first update: For those of you who have supported this Kickstarter campaign, who have responded with even a small contribution,...
“Think on your palette, feel on your painting.” rm This is a theme that comes up often in the lessons that I teach on painting and drawing. People often ask me how much of what we do as artists is feeling and how much is thinking. The simple answer is...
“Paint what you know,” is a common piece of advice to those entering any artistic discipline. That’s why my first novel (The Fishfly) was semi-autobiographical. I write (and paint and act) about things I know. But I also write and paint and act...
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